Year 8-11

Created by Laura 5 years ago
Throughout my time at TK with Erin, I used to always walk to and from school with her. Like I would get to hers a bit early to see her as well, no matter what i was dealing with her infectious laugh would always bring my mood back up. Roll onyear 9 and well her and i learned how badly neither of us could read a map and got our group with amber lost in a field of cows, not one of our finest moments but one we liked to laugh over. Year 10 and 11 can be summed up with ICT classes and trying to master a software, she was determined to smash it once and for all. She did in typical Erin Style aka classy and never once gave up. We did the girly things of looking at prom dresses together and finding dream dresses. After leaving tk we didnt see as much of the other as id have liked but we always made a point of a friendlysmile, hers always the warmest which could give a bit of reassurance when needed.